New Mexico The Hight Ground

Back in the snow and chilly air. Santa Fe, New Mexico is a housing of the prophetic. The art, creativity and expression is thick in the air. Most that operate in the “creativity” are very prophetic or prophets.
It’s time to take the high ground back. Much like King David taking Jerusalem from the Jebuzites.
We met a long time brother and friend at the capitol, he is a pastor for the Santa Fe community. It took forever to find a parking spot. After asking a cop where we could park, he let us know that there might not be any due to the demonstrations going on. The place was packed. We did find one spot, it might have been the last one. It was so far away. We trudge through the slushy snow and make it to the capitol. We could hear the yelling and chanting over the loudspeakers from where we parked. As we got to the building, there was a large crowd dressed all in black screaming not nice things… We push our way through the middle to the front doors to be greeted by cops, security guards, and other security personnel.
They knew we weren’t a part of the group but weren't sure about me walking in with a shofar and a pocket knife. My buddy was already in and he assured them we were good people. If it had just been me and not with my wife and kiddos they might not have let me in…
I hug Guy and talk briefly about all this craziness. The group was a pro palestine group protesting aid to Israel. The house was in session and they wanted to disrupt the vote. As we were talking the door burst open and cops escorted several protesters out of the building. I look over to Guy and say “this is why we’re here!”
We were talking in the rotunda with people all around watching the spectacles. One of the security (I think) asked if the horn made a sound. I nodded and he asked me to toot my horn. So I did just that. I tooted my horn in the rotunda of the highest capitol grounds in America. The voice of Yah stopped everyone in their tracks, as it should. The security and my buddy both showed a little uncomfortableness and then assured everyone that he asked for it. He thanked me and walked off.
After a little more catching up with my buddy, he had to leave but before he left he said you need to go to the cross on the hill and toot your horn. I agreed. With us still in the rotunda I felt a draw to decree right there. With everyone watching with decree and commission The Return Of The Spirit Of Elijah from the high ground!
Now with the decree done we still needed to pray the ring of fire. The group was still barking outside. We headed back to the front and had the cops walk us out the side door. I told Kristi we are fine and to video us as we walk through the crowd. We prayed around the building in the spirit. As we left the front and walked away from the crowd to pray around the building the group was screaming and chanting as we made our way back to the front to them, they had started to disperse and weren't screaming anymore. We walked right through them. With a few sneers and comments towards us but untouched.
We get in the van to find the cross of the hill. It was the highest point in Santa Fe. We made it up there and tooted the horn. This was the sign that the high ground has been taken by the KING.
As we were leaving, we passed by the capitol and saw that there were fire trucks, ambulances, and cop cars now at the front where we just were. Something had gone down as soon as we left…
The West Tour is complete!
Home here we come!