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The First Of Many - Delaware

Writer's picture: Troy FosterTroy Foster

“Hey can you help me with this girl, I think she’s dead”… is what he said to me.

October 25, 2022 we hit the Atlatic waters at sunrise and cried out “Where Is The God Of Elijah”.  As I hit the waters a third time, I saw a little friend pop up out of the water just behind the huge waves crashing against me.  This little friend was a dolphin.  

Now we're back in Delaware and we decided to stay the night in Rehoboth Beach.  The next morning we went to the same spot on the beach where we were a year and a half ago.  As we walked the beach on that crisp morning, I put my feet in the cold Atlantic to enjoy the sound of the waves crashing. A few minutes later right out in front of me once again, my little friend popped up.  I felt like this was a little nod from the KING giving me another confirmation of the work we were doing for Him.

We took several photos and then made our way to the Capitol. 

We pulled up and saw the Liberty Bell replica which was on the other end of the open grassy park. Which was positioned between their Old State House and their Legislative House where they meet today.  We parked right next to the bell and I decided to walk around the Legislative House while Kristi and the kiddos went to the Old State House area.

I make my way down the sidewalk to the Legislative House praying in the Spirit preparing to circle the building for the ring of fire prayer. I slowly made my way to the front side of the building but didn’t cross the street.  I saw a few monuments that I wanted to take pictures of.  As I was scoping out the best route to these monuments, I noticed a guy on his phone pacing back and forth, looking over at me several times.  I thought to myself, he's checking me out and not sure what to make of me. With my staff and shofar I get side eyes and double takes often. So I didn’t give it much thought.  

As I was looking at this large compass on the ground which documented the distance between this point and the first colonies. Delaware being the first to ratify the constitution and our first state.  I notice the man still at this monument still looking at me and seeming agitated. So I start to walk over towards him all while praying in the Spirit.

I get about 25 yards from him and he motions me over as if he needed help.  I hurried my pace and I rounded the corner maneuvering myself around bushes at this monument. He was on the phone and I could hear him carrying on a conversation over speaker phone but could tell what it was about.  He walks up to me and points to the other side of the bushes and says, “hey can you help me with this girl, I think she's dead”.  I look over and see this 20 something young lady sprawled out on this concrete bench just big enough for her torso to lay on it and her arm and legs hanging off.  When I saw her she didn’t look real, she was gray-ish blue skin that looked plastic.  

He wanted to get the girl on the ground and start CPR while the Ambulance and Police were on their way.  I laid my staff down and prepared myself to pick up a stiff cold body.  He said he had tried to wake her for at least 10 minutes and he could find a pulse.  So I bent down to put my hands under her back and attempted to lay her on the ground gently. As soon as my hands got about 2 inches from her, her head popped up right next to mine!  She’s looking around in bewilderment, the guy jumps back and yells.  The 911 operator on speaker phone askes what is going on as she hears him startled. He tells the operator “She’s not dead anymore”.  The operator asks him if he said “she’s not dead?”  He tells her that she is now sitting up but not talking.  The 911 operator then asks “do we need to tell those enroute to not come”.  We both asked the girl if she would like an ambulance or help, she refused with a slight nod of no and then reconfirmed with a fragile no.  

The operator gets the confirmation all is well and the guy asks her once more if she is ok or needs any help.  She looks at the ground and tells him no.  He tells me he has to go and I tell him I’ll sit here for a moment.

I sit with her for a moment and ask what her name is, she says Kirsti. I asked “Kristi”?  She corrected me saying K-er-sti. I asked her what her story was, she didn’t answer.  I then asked if I could pray for her, she nodded yes. I put my hand on her shoulder and pray, as I’m about to finish with my prayer, she gets up and walks away.

I’m sitting on the bench by myself, watching her walk off across the street.  

I thought, was she dead? 

Did she come back alive?

I didn’t touch her or even pray for her to come back.

What just happened?

I look over the bushes to see if Kristi and the kids were still near the bell, thinking they might have watched all of that happen.  I couldn’t find them.  I prayed for a moment in the Spirit as I processed what just happened.

I stood and walked across the street to pray the ring of fire around the capitol building. 

I make my way back to the Liberty Bell replica praying in the Spirit, still processing that encounter.  I find Kristi and the kiddos and we set up at the bell.

We decree.

We commissioned “The Return Of The Spirit Of Elijah”.

We took our picture.

As We load up, I tell Kristi about the encounter, not sure what to say. Was she strung out on drugs almost dead, or was she really dead?

All I know is she wasn’t moving and two different people besides me tried to revive her for nearly 15 minutes. HalleluYah she is alive and walked off under her own strength. 

Shalom Shalom

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